Friday, March 04, 2011
The Egyptian Struggle- An Anarchist Perspective - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum
For those among us who have long struggled to understand and define Anarchy you now have your answer.
The anti-state activists in Tahrir Square are coming to exemplify the best of Anarchism- natural Syndicalism. They began as a popular resistance movement and have now come under siege by agents of established government. It's their response to this condition that is so hopeful in terms of the promise of Peoples' Rule in the last analysis. What has evolved among them? Ad hoc syndicates and incipient soviets dedicated to mutual care and survival. That is what typifies their exhilarating struggle. In essence they are now an Anarchist Commune- an orderly assemblage fighting the chaos introduced by the coercive tactics of the state. The feelings of natural freedom inherent in such activism will have changed the activists forever, placing them permanently outside the parameters of mindless patriotism and subservience to Leviathan. What we're witnessing in the Square is nothing less than the ideal of Anarchy- the bringing forth of creative order from the chaos of subjugation.
'But that's no more true than saying the universe is ineluctably bound to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In the end it's all an entropic stew but in the meantime we got some serious livin' to do.' Arthur Afterburn
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Middle East to Global Revolution - Wishful Thinking? - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum
Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
The opposite is more likely true. They are adept at tossing grain to the sheep. No sheep- no wool. A shepherd doesn't starve his flock. The corporations suffer from the same illusion as you- that hunger will spark a revolution. That's why they feed the people. But what they, and you, fail to recognize is that hunger is just as likely to produce docility as rage. The same can be said of bread and circuses. In the end though it is the suppression of the peoples' humanity that provokes revolt.
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AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Blog Entries - Blogs
on 02-28-2011 at 07:49 AM (BENewsCorp™ Blogs Here)
This relates to this tread.
The suspension of Habeas Corpus is unfortunately permitted by the sloppiest thinking in the Constitution. Article 1 states in part, 'The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.' Notice that Habeas is not even referred to as a right in that clause but rather as simply a 'privilege.' Suspended for purposes of 'public safety?' And while it's commendable ...
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Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum
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on 02-28-2011 at 09:39 AM (65 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
It's unfortunate that this contains no reference to Marx inasmuch as his (re)discovery of the Material Dialectic was informed by a previous and similar awakening- the European Spring of 1848. The echoes and fingerprints of history are found all over the noisy exuberance of the new Arab Revolution. What complicates the Marxist interpretation of the events is the admixture of the Islamic dialectic which, of course, Marx never envisioned. And what are the constituents of the Islamic Dialectic that complicate and enrich this new revolution? Submission, Charity, and Jihad. Those three principles elevate this revolution beyond the Marxist classic revolution in new ways that transcend the predictability assumed by Marxist theory while not nullifying the essential laws of Dialectical Materialism.
Pilger misses this (or ignores it) and that's not surprising to me since his focus has always been on the inevitable and predictable consequence of Capitalistic contradiction. That is the limited analysis of Marxist orthodoxy and the reason that Marx always maintained his theory applied most essentially to France and Germany- the milieu w
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AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs
It (jihad) actually means 'struggle'...
Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
That is exactly what it means. Internal and external struggle. In the case of this new revolution it means the struggle for self-determination and human rights. That is the best of jihad. From a Marxist perspective struggle
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Pope exonerates Jews for Jesus' death - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
sock of Cartoon and proud members of the LLF.
'sometimes nuthin' is a cool hand.' Luke
Wait.....You're a draft dodger. Carry on. |
"We are a country whose greatest science minds are devoted to solving the conundrum of how many gallons of vile crud need to be burned in order to fly one contraption, three men and a bomb from Blefuscu to lilliput." |
worship the seal
I have nagging questions that bother me about the whole Source A thing.......why bring it only to the people who study Ufology? Why does this type of info again and again get directly targeted to online Ufo communities? Why is this not going into newspapers? At least get George Knapp involved. Outside of visiting this forum, no one discusses, cares, knows about, or gives a rats patootie about any Secret UN meeting or Source A. It is like it was designed just for little ole us. The Pickerings have a bar in a major city with plenty of professional journalists. Some of them are probably new young blood that would love to sink their teeth into this and at least attempt to verify some of it. But it seems like that is a no no. It is just for us little forum dwellers to discuss and discuss until! |
John Hicks is finally sensing all this but has yet to fully understand the implications. I look for his eventual silencing by the OM moderation team just as they've seen fit to silence other members and syndicates who have attempted to expose their cultist alliance with the post-modern MIBs.
I would ask all Amkoids who are still a members there to publish the above analysis on their forum in the interests of truth.
Luddite Liberation Front
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Boycott China!
then railed at the United States, this time there'll be true cursing and
(Additional reporting by Reuters Television in Dharamsala; Editing by Nick Macfie
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The lives of genuine conservatives in Britain have been made much harder by the recent growth of the British National Party, a sordid and disreputable group with its origins in racial obsessions and Holocaust denial. Its success, achieved by faked reasonableness and slick PR, ha seemed to confirm the liberal Left’s view that the Right is just one step away from Hitlerism, steeped in prejudice and loutish stupidity.This is a grave burden to proper, patriotic conservatives, and I am ceaselessly amazed at how many people are taken in. Perhaps a few words of explanation and background are in order for any on the far side ofthe Atlantic who might have been beguiled.Imagine a political party where the ex-leader launches an investigation into his successor because he thinks he may be Jewish. There is, infact, no need to imagine. The British National Party’s podgy chieftain,Nick Griffin, actually had his ancestry probed for alleged Jewishness by the organization’s former Fuehrer, the late John Tyndall.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How exactly do/will they control us?
That we don't know. Nor can we answer the larger question of 'why?' For many years I was on the side of the 'explorer' hypothesis. I figured it was a scientific endeavor- that we were being studied just as we study penguins and lizards. What changed my mind was the testimony of experiencers beginning with the Hills. The deeper I looked- considering the work of Jacobs and Hopkins and Mack- and the further manipulation of Ufology by a strange assortment of intelligence agents (operating in ways not dissimilar to the methods of the silent invaders- who do they serve?) the more I became convinced that this phenomenon was not only real- but immediate. I have come to an understanding that the US Government has studied this problem in depth for the last 63 years and that those who are most responsible for the study have been compromised and co-opted by the very subject of their study. There is a Majestic 12 and there is ongoing contact. And that circumstance, above all else, should worry us. Immersion in the study of Ufology should not be taken lightly nor by the faint of heart.
From an interview with David Jacobs On "The Threat"
Is this what the government knows? Is this the real core story? I think David nails it. He hasn't written on the subject in over 10 years even though his research continues. Is that because he's concluded that there's nothing that can be done about this silent invasion? Yes, and the very thought both stuns him and depresses him. The Earth is slowly and inexorably being incorporated into a Borg. This the reason that any Disclosure will take on a religious and eschatological quality despite the efforts of Exo-polity. The phenomenon can not be controlled and resistance, or even deflection, will ultimately prove to be futile. Don't want to face it? Who can blame you? Maybe it's best to live out these last years immersed in the illusion of freedom laughing at the prospect of incorporation into a malevolent and highly strange new paradigm. "Oh there's nothing to it. Oh it's all just bullshit." Let that denial serve you well. 'Denial Macht Frei,' will serve as a fitting epitaph for the sound and fury show. C'est la vie.
And it's also worth noting that the entire case lay dormant for 40 years before it was revived by serious Ufologists like Stan Friedman in the 80s. It was one of those anomalous events that Charles Fort would have called the 'damned.' Don Keyhoe never mentioned it in his UFO expositions in the early 50s. As it turns out all the records of the 509th were mysteriously lost soon after Friedman's research was published. There was and continues to be a tight cover-up in place by the US Gov. What are they covering up? Mogal balloon tests? Crashed V-2 rockets? After 60 years would such cold war nonsense still be worth covering up? The General Twining Memo explains everything in that regard. He concluded in 1947 that we were dealing with ET phenomena and an incipient invasion against which our armed forces had no defense. That was and still is the reason for the cover up.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
'What the fuck was that?' defines Ufological enquiry. Three questions follow by logical extension and form the impetus for the entire field of speculation.
1. Where do they come from?
2. How did they get here? and-
3. What do they want?
The entirety of the vast body of Ufer literature is devoted- depending on the relative ambition of the author- to answering one or more of those three questions. It's interesting that those very same queries also form the basis of all Philosophical, Metaphysical and Scientific investigation regarding the nature of existence per se.
Drake's Equation and Fermi's paradox are typical of the concomitant blending of the fields. Both beg the largest of questions and demonstrate the futility of scientific method regarding a cohesive theory- the answer to the questions they pose. And why? Because both are based in presuppositions that are themselves unproven. It's the nature of presuppositions to be assumptions derived from anecdotal data. That's actually the contradiction that lies at the heart of all Ontological hypothesis and it necessarily substitutes 'belief' for 'proof' as the foundation of Theory. Such is the nature of human endeavor to provide a proof of any existents beyond the brackets of Logic and is the reason that rationalists insist that logic does not apply to the 'real world' except by the (tenuous) extrapolation of analogy.
So this is the Epistemological dilemma in a nutshell: Every speculation concerning existence is ultimately founded in nothing more 'proven' than a leap of faith. Why should the study of Ufology escape conformity to this universal conundrum?
Does all of this mean that, despite the contradictions and the futility, that the questions ought not be even asked in the first place? Certainly there are those who would say precisely that- that adherence to rational skepticism precludes flights of imaginative speculation. I'm not among them for one simple reason- a simple choice, really- a choice to be curious about the mind of God.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Econ 101
The US has completed a de facto repudiation of debt. How was this possible and what does it matter? It's possible because capital is essentially amoral. Debt has no other reality than as a monetary instrument regardless of the importunate protests of the lender. Debt is no more than a matter of record keeping. It only becomes overbearing and consequential when it has become imbued with the quality of moral obligation- which is essentially nothing more than a refutation of reality. This is so because money is conjured out of thin air and depends for its value on nothing more substantial than faith. Faith in the value of currency is all that stands between wealth and penury. This is so for nations as well as individuals. It can be said that economic value is actually derived from the production of commodities and, as Marx and the rest of the civilized world would have us believe, the labor required for that very production. But this is not so and has never been so. Economic value is actually determined by the records of bookkeepers. And therefore both accumulation of wealth and the onerous bonds of debt are equally illusory figments. Freedom from economic shackles is simply a matter of tossing the books on the ash bin of history. It is the case that those who are imprisoned by monetary economy must be complicit in their own captivity in order for the bars of the gaol to remain secure. The worst nightmare for the rich is the waking of the people from the cloying hypnosis brought about by the political magicians in their employ. It is of such stuff that economic depressions are constructed. Economic depression is freedom in the last analysis.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Follow this foodfight at Amkon.
Even before our pizza-faced Quickie Mart slurpee jerker saw fit to accuse BE of issuing threats against the community there was another threat, a real threat, isssued in our name. It began with that most heinous of crimes- that of expropriating Hissels’ very name. In a pique of sanctimonious indignation Pack decided it was a good idea to force his nemesis to demonstrate some obligatory regimen of obeisance and contrition by stealing his very name- creating a website falsely attributed to Hissel that would link anyone searching his band back to the 200 page record of his humiliation at Amkon. The threat? Bow to me come to me with hat in hand, duly apologetic, for re-education. If you refuse- rest assured that your identity now belongs to Pack for the long war of endless torment.
Hazel and the famous Wall of Type
Who was this guy, Hissel, and what was he up to? Hazel answered that mystery early on. Averred she- this is a child at war with his own reality. MissA wondered if he were not a Raskolnikov. But I think that was not that. Hazel’s assessment was that he was in fact more of a Holden Caulfield lashing out at the electronic phonies who inhabit the internetz- and the real world beyond. And with that I agree.
What exactly was his Wall of Type?
What did it say and what was its purpose? To answer that question it is perhaps telling to consider not what it was but rather what it was not. It was not coherent Philosophy or a prolegomena to any Philosophical analysis. It was a manifesto, a spat slogan, a broadside, a shot across the bow of the community. It was not designed to enlighten us but rather to bring attention to a dysfunctional, generic teen-aged mal-content. It said, in effect, I am not You. I am a Necropulse, dead yet breathing, look at me- make me real. Hazel implied all this and she was correct.
The shameless attack
And our response to this perceived challenge? Marginalization, a demand for contrition. In short- gang rape. The leader of the gang?
Disguised as some sort of perverse minister, none other than Pack. For most of the Amkoids, the shitfest was good fun. Nothing serious happening here- just a rapidly tiring mouse for the big cats to toy with for a time. But there was also a moment, shameless in it’s degree of manipulation and degradation, when a line was crossed from playful tossing to sadism. It was the point when Hissels’s very name, the aggregation of his reality, was stolen from him. All your bases are now belong to us. Justice henceforth devoid of mercy. Your being, itself, appropriated for our own uses. This was no ordinary threat- no ‘we’ll beat your sill ass if you don’t comply’ kid of threat. No- this was an existential threat. ‘Be us or be nothing.’ It went well beyond Ducky’s absurd chest thumping challenge, well beyond Mojo’s incisive analysis, well beyond MissA’s motherly comfort, well beyond BE’s cross admonition concerning the use of the word ‘jew’ as a pronoun. The theft of the guy’s identity was more than that- it was an attack on the soul.
The slurpee jerker’s reaction
When I called attention to this very real threat of usurpation, naturally I was called for my own hypocrisy by none other than our Admin of the Year- Skunk. ‘Threat? Well what about you threatening the members here for years?’ he scolded. If there is one certainty in life it is that Skunk will always carry the water for his little gaggle of colleagues regardless of the merits of their positions. His approach is always the same- the proverbial. “So’s your old man.” Unable as he is to formulate any real analysis he relies on the very same method as Hissel to justify his inflated view of his own importance- the Manifesto. But unlike Hissel he does not defer to a Wall of Type- he’s incapable of that. His method has always consisted of carrying the piss bucket for the good ol’ boyz- whether they require one or not. That he could accuse me of issuing threats against the community is nothing short of blood libel. It is not simply untrue but a gratuitous and self-serving lie- the resort of an angsty sophomore when reason is beyond reach.
What should be done?
Hissel’s name should be given back to him. Period. This shameless and vindictive act of electronic theft is unbecoming of a member of Amkon, especially a staff member. Skunk should be shitcanned as an admin. If the rest of the admins, including the semi-retired Mojo, decide that he needs to be replaced there are several good choices here. My own choice would be MrPenny or Homingpigeon or both. Other than that- carry on, kids, and smoke em if ya got em.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
United Nuclear Labs of Albuquerque, NM has revealed a miniaturized nuclear power module for the Apple Iphone. The module runs on Element 115 and is smaller than a match head yet contains more power than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Apple has announced that the device will be included on all new Iphone 32 Gig and higher 3GS units shipping as of July 19, 2009. Concerned scientists at Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Laboratory are said to have warned Apple that the unit can be easily converted to a fission bomb with only a paperclip and a tablespoon of baking soda. An Apple spokesman replied "...that the interests of Iphone users transcend any silly concern over obsolete bombs that are unlikely to be used on US territory in any case. Progress will not be sacrificed out of concern for a few hysterical anti-bomb, hippie scientists." In response to the potential threat posed by this new unit, Apple has proposed restricting the purchase of baking soda under the anti-terrorism provisions of the Patriot Act.
Breaking news!
Oslo, Norway October 15, 2009
In a shocking reversal, the Nobel Prize Committee this morning voted unanimously to rescind the award of the Peace Prize to Kenyan presidential impostor Barry Hussein O'bama. A committee spokesman said that the decision was made after assessing the outraged response of the American online community and in particular from the well known eccentric web site and that site's senior janitor Mr. Birther-Truther Skunk. "That boy is not only a lazy bastard but a Kenyan spy planted to disrupt our long and hard-won traditions of white superiority and patriotism," said Mr. Skunk in an exclusive BE News interview.
More on this story as it develops. Please stay tooned.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.
The force that drives the water through the rocks
Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams
Turns mine to wax.
And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins
How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.
The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
And I am dumb to tell the hanging man
How of my clay is made the hangman's lime.
The lips of time leech to the fountain head;
Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores.
And I am dumb to tell a weather's wind
How time has ticked a heaven round the stars.
And I am dumb to tell the lover's tomb
How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.
This 'stimulus' regime will never succeed in reviving the tattered world economy. President Hoover tried the same thing in 1930. It failed then and it will fail now.
However, as a means of redistribution of wealth the results the program will be a spectacular and enduring success. What we are witnessing is the inevitable result of liberal republican democracy-- Socialism- wherein all increasingly scarce resources will be henceforth rationed. ‘From each in accord with his abilities and to each in regard to his needs’ is an idea whose time has now arrived.
And to those who mourn for the ‘productive’ sector of society it’s high time for them to accede to the truth that the real problem with the world economy is not[i] lack[/i] of production but rather meaningless and destructive production. Entropic resolve. The overwhelming majority of the world's workers are engaged in transforming the earth into a vast strip-mine dedicated to producing abject shit for the benefit of those whom FDR called the 'economic royalists.' The famous graffiti at the Sorbonne during the New
The foreshadowed New Revolution is quietly upon us. The Malthusian garrote, now tighted and drawn, has made it so.
Rage against the dying of the light.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Perhaps most egregious is the failure to delve with anything more than superficial slogans into the possible reasons for hostility to the West or the U.S. in particular. Can it possibly be because Arabs "hate democracy"? Most of them wouldn't know what democracy was if they suddenly woke up living in a fully democratic society. They have never experienced it. What they have experienced is invasion and military occupation by countries that call themselves democracies – several Western European colonial powers and now the United States. There are now 22 times as many Western soldiers in Anwar alone as the West had in the Middle East at the time of the Crusades, but Western journalists are not inclined or are not allowed to wonder if that has anything to do with why those benighted people hate us so.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Does The Bailout Pass
The Smell Test?
By Paul Craig Roberts
10-16-8- The explanation that has been given for the financial crisis does not match up with the solution that has been devised. Moreover, the windows into the crisis offered by the authorities are opaque rather than transparent.
- The only clarity we have is that the crisis is resulting in financial concentration and that the bailout constitutes a massive raid by financial crooks on both taxpayers and central bank reserves in the US and Europe.
- The public monies that are being directed to private financial institutions are huge. According to news reports, Germany is devoting $540 billion to shoring up German banks, England is devoting $73 billion, and France has pledged over $400 billion. The US now has four separate bailouts underway, $800 billion for banks, $200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, $85 billion for the insurer AIG, and $25 billion for the US auto industry. These figures add to more than $2.1 trillion.
- Some of these public monies are for purchasing troubled paper assets. Others are to be directly injected into the banks as public supplied capital for private financial institutions, an ironic outcome for the free market ideology that resulted in the deregulation of the US financial system. According to news reports, in England the entire $73 billion is being poured into banks as publicly supplied new capital. In Germany $135 billion is for recapitalizing troubled banks. In the US Treasury Secretary Paulson is talking about using bailout money to purchase non-voting bank shares.
- How is it possible that a financial crisis of such magnitude hit with such suddenness and urgency, catching finance ministries and central banks unaware?
- If the problem is what the public has been told, namely that defaulting subprime mortgages are reducing the income flows through to the holders of the mortgage-backed securities, why isn't the bailout money being used to refinance the defaulting mortgages and to pay off the foreclosed mortgages?
- That would restore the value of the mortgage-backed securities, and it would not be necessary to pour huge amounts of taxpayers' money into recapitalizing banks and purchasing their bad assets.
- There is not an unmanageable number of defaulting mortgages. According to the US Treasury estimate, 90-93% of the mortgages are good. How does a 7% or 10% default rate on US mortgages translate into a systemic worldwide financial crisis?
- The popping of the US real estate bubble could not produce worldwide systemic financial crisis without the mark-to-market rule, short-sellers, and a great deal of hype and orchestration. Why did Secretary Paulson let Lehman Bros. fail when every other firm is bailed out? Did Lehman's failure, by unwinding its own large portfolio, push hedge funds and banks into panic selloffs that spread the crisis at home and abroad?
- The US Congress held no hearings on the crisis and consulted no independent experts. Congress responded dumbly to the financial crisis, just as it did following 9/11 when the Bush regime handed it the PATRIOT Act and the Afghan invasion. To secure Congress' acquiescence to the Paulson bailout, the Bush regime used threats of meltdown and martial law to panic Congress into turning over vast amounts of money for which accountability is lacking. The hype behind the Paulson bailout is the financial version of the mushroom cloud evocation used by the Bush regime to panic Congress into accepting the US invasion of Iraq. Is yet another hidden agenda at work?
- It is unclear how the bailout will play out. The monies for the US bailout will have to be borrowed abroad or printed. If foreign central banks need their dollar reserves in order to bail out their own banks that are polluted with toxic US financial instruments, the US Treasury might not have an easy time in the debt market. Moreover, the interest expense on an additional borrowed $700 billion will raise the US current account deficit and burden US taxpayers with higher interest payments. If the money has to be printed, inflation and dollar devaluation will depress living standards for most Americans.
- If the US economy sinks deeper into recession, lost jobs and rising interest rates on troubled mortgages will result in more defaults and foreclosures, thus further impairing mortgage-backed securities and requiring Congress to put more burdens on hard-pressed US taxpayers in behalf of the banks.
- The authorities have blamed subprime mortgages for the crisis. Why then does their solution fail to address the problem of the mortgages? Instead, the solution directs public money into an increasingly concentrated private financial sector, the management of which is not only vastly overpaid, but also has escaped accountability for the financial chicanery that, allegedly, threatens systemic financial meltdown unless bailed out by the taxpayers.
- Perhaps my nose is too sensitive, but this bailout doesn't pass the smell test.
- _____
- Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan's first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow's Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
The General Banned at AMKON
Comments at
Here are the telltale emails among the Amkoids:
Here are some emails that are germane to the issue. I posted this exchange on Amkon but I'm sure GN and her buddies (biddies?) will kill it immediately. Too bad because some important issues might have been discussed there. Hopefully someone else will post it. It seems that the admin team has circled the wagons and gone into self protection mode. Their hypocrisy is shocking.
Hi Kiwi,
Here's an exchange of emails between GN and me And let me belatedly add you and Fox to the list of those for whom my explanation was intended. And, no- 72 had nothing to do with this. It had to do with GN and Vick making censorship decisions on the basis of their parochial ideas of good taste.
Kim The following is an e-mail sent to you by KIWI via your account on "Forumsreply address to this e-mail has been set to that of KIWI.
@ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you
find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following
Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that thedont be selfish and deprive all the rest of us from you farkin clever funny
Message sent to you follows
and most importantly,understandable posts!....dont no what happened but can
only imagine that 1972 was involved?.. the guy cannot hide his dislike for
Hello boycotteverything,
The following is an e-mail sent to you by Yo Mama via your account onreply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Yo Mama.
"Forums @ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at
the following address:
Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that theYour timeout is over.
Message sent to you follows
You and I both know you got no where else to play.
We don't have a lot of rules, I'm just going to look at this as your
testing the limits.
Come back when you're ready. Nobody is going to hold it against you.
Next time an admin says stop, just stop. There's plenty of other trouble
you can get into/cause on the boards. LOL
Now put on your big girl panties and we'll see you on the forum.
Invite to chat
show details 7:56 AM (4 minutes ago)
Reply Nah. Thanks anyway, K. I don't hold anything against you (or any other Amkoid) but i won't be back. When it comes to free speech I'm a radical purist- whether or not that's held against me. While I certainly respect your right to censor posts- it's your yard, afterall, self respect is a higher issue for me- And holding fast to what I consider the most sacred of human rights- the right to self expression in any form, dictates that I say adios and a hearty vaya con carne to Amkon. Please post this as I would have loved to explain my decision to Mojo, Jasn, Chii, Gummer, ME, Fox, Kiwi, Johnlear, and a few others- and in hopes that this bit of speaking from beyond the grave may serve to provoke a real discussion of free speech.
Canabalistically yours,
Rod Upyors, ANBUS President
Anti-Nannyist Brigade of the United States, LLC
On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:37 AM, <> wrote:--- Show quoted text -On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:26 AM, <> wrote:
Hello boycotteverything,
The following is an e-mail sent to you by Martian Exile via your account on
"Forums @ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at
the following address:
Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Martian Exile.
Message sent to you follows
I requested of the cunt to give you my email, doubt she will,, rest asure, I will raise hell.
lk walker
The thread that started it all is here. Note that some of the most insipid posts by various admins and my (Boycotteverything's) responses have been censored. A follow up thread by me that contained, for the most part, the emails quoted above was pulled in its entirety just minutes after it was started this morning since it exposed the admins in question as small minded little gauleiters who are embarrased by their own mendacity. Maybe there's an archived copy on Google that shows it all.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hey General, Stop being a big girl and come back and play.
Some people can be a real pain in the arse, just have to leave those with the whore moans alone...
Come on, no one is using big words to abuse me.. How dull.
7:07 AM
Nah, Fox. I can't put up with the bullshit censorship and nannyism there any longer. The nannies seem to think that their personal issues are somehow more important than the larger issue- the one that Amkon was supposed to represent, free speech. They choose to advocate for the protection of hermit crabs and to bitch about their nasty divorces while the big issues- like Freedom of Expression get short shrift and minor lip service. I'm over it bigtime. GN seems to take a self-serving and perverse joy in the fact that I've been banned from posting on several forums for exactly the reasons that her and Vick banned me there. I had hoped that Amkon was different. But c'est la vie. You give a little colonel a hat with a star and some power and this is the result. But I have enjoyed your take on things and will miss you and several other big issue strugglers over there.