The General Banned at AMKON
Comments at Boycotteverything.com
Here are the telltale emails among the Amkoids:
Here are some emails that are germane to the issue. I posted this exchange on Amkon but I'm sure GN and her buddies (biddies?) will kill it immediately. Too bad because some important issues might have been discussed there. Hopefully someone else will post it. It seems that the admin team has circled the wagons and gone into self protection mode. Their hypocrisy is shocking.
Hi Kiwi,
Here's an exchange of emails between GN and me And let me belatedly add you and Fox to the list of those for whom my explanation was intended. And, no- 72 had nothing to do with this. It had to do with GN and Vick making censorship decisions on the basis of their parochial ideas of good taste.
Kim The following is an e-mail sent to you by KIWI via your account on "Forums@ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you
find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following
amerikankonspiracy@gmail.comInclude this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of KIWI.
Message sent to you follows
dont be selfish and deprive all the rest of us from you farkin clever funny
and most importantly,understandable posts!....dont no what happened but can
only imagine that 1972 was involved?.. the guy cannot hide his dislike for
KIWI Hello boycotteverything,
The following is an e-mail sent to you by Yo Mama via your account on
"Forums @ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at
the following address:
amerikankonspiracy@gmail.comInclude this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Yo Mama.
Message sent to you follows
Your timeout is over.
You and I both know you got no where else to play.
We don't have a lot of rules, I'm just going to look at this as your
testing the limits.
Come back when you're ready. Nobody is going to hold it against you.
Next time an admin says stop, just stop. There's plenty of other trouble
you can get into/cause on the boards. LOL
Now put on your big girl panties and we'll see you on the forum.
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Nah. Thanks anyway, K. I don't hold anything against you (or any other Amkoid) but i won't be back. When it comes to free speech I'm a radical purist- whether or not that's held against me. While I certainly respect your right to censor posts- it's your yard, afterall, self respect is a higher issue for me- And holding fast to what I consider the most sacred of human rights- the right to self expression in any form, dictates that I say adios and a hearty vaya con carne to Amkon. Please post this as I would have loved to explain my decision to Mojo, Jasn, Chii, Gummer, ME, Fox, Kiwi, Johnlear, and a few others- and in hopes that this bit of speaking from beyond the grave may serve to provoke a real discussion of free speech.
Canabalistically yours,
Rod Upyors, ANBUS President
Anti-Nannyist Brigade of the United States, LLC
On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:37 AM, <amerikankonspiracy@gmail.com> wrote:- Show quoted text -
On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:26 AM,
<amerikankonspiracy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello boycotteverything,
The following is an e-mail sent to you by Martian Exile via your account on
"Forums @ AmKon". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at
the following address:
Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Martian Exile.
Message sent to you follows
I requested of the cunt to give you my email, doubt she will,
...@yahoo.com, rest asure, I will raise hell.
lk walker
The thread that started it all is here. Note that some of the most insipid posts by various admins and my (Boycotteverything's) responses have been censored. A follow up thread by me that contained, for the most part, the emails quoted above was pulled in its entirety just minutes after it was started this morning since it exposed the admins in question as small minded little gauleiters who are embarrased by their own mendacity. Maybe there's an archived copy on Google that shows it all.
Hey General, Stop being a big girl and come back and play.
Some people can be a real pain in the arse, just have to leave those with the whore moans alone...
Come on, no one is using big words to abuse me.. How dull.
7:07 AM
Nah, Fox. I can't put up with the bullshit censorship and nannyism there any longer. The nannies seem to think that their personal issues are somehow more important than the larger issue- the one that Amkon was supposed to represent, free speech. They choose to advocate for the protection of hermit crabs and to bitch about their nasty divorces while the big issues- like Freedom of Expression get short shrift and minor lip service. I'm over it bigtime. GN seems to take a self-serving and perverse joy in the fact that I've been banned from posting on several forums for exactly the reasons that her and Vick banned me there. I had hoped that Amkon was different. But c'est la vie. You give a little colonel a hat with a star and some power and this is the result. But I have enjoyed your take on things and will miss you and several other big issue strugglers over there.