Monday, July 28, 2008
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Hints at UFO ET "Core Story"
The past few days have seen a viral explosion of stories about statements made by Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon in 1971.
The entire affair, which began with an interview at Kerrang! Radio, appears to be building a small mountain of momentum, with headlines like:
Ex-Astronaut: Aliens Are Real and NASA Knows It
Aliens are out there, says former Nasa astronaut
Astronaut reveals that aliens have better technology than humans
Ex-NASA astronaut 'sure' aliens exist
Even Reuters has posted a video news report on-line.
A quick search of Google News pulled up more than 300 articles.
Curiously, the most important aspect of Dr. Mitchell's testimony to the "Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape" affair has received little attention from most of the media outlets.
During the Kerrang! interview, Mitchell stated:
"But I've also been in military circles, and intelligence circles, that know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, that yes, we have been visited. "
It appears that Dr. Mitchell is referring to the so-called UFO "Core Story" of extraterrestrial visitation.
For a quick review of some of the Intelligence Community interest in all things out-of-this-world, I recommend Gus Russo's article, The REAL X-files.
According to the Russo article, a well-placed source Russo calls "Jim" (not his real name), who remains close to high-ranking former U.S. officials told him:
“I believe there’s a ‘core story’,” Jim explained, “but I don’t know what it is. I have been told by people more senior than me that there is some truth to it, but they told me time and time again to stop pursuing it with CIA people and other intel types. Two very senior officials told me they saw briefing books, [however] the only ones who would be cleared to know the story are the most senior Pentagon career officers.” Jim refuses to divulge his sources, but when pressed, he reiterates what they told him: look to the Pentagon and the private sector’s aerospace and weapons labs, etc. US intelligence “doesn’t have labs capable of dealing with something this profound.” He also notes that over the years he has received thousands of UFO-related government documents in unmarked envelopes. Although some are obvious fakes, others, according to Jim, contain information that correlates with known, but still classified, scientific studies. In an intriguing footnote, Jim adds, “I have spoken to three former Presidents and the subject always comes up, not as a briefing, but they also want to know the truth. But apparently they aren’t cleared for it.”
Posted by Gary S. Bekkum / STARpod.org at 10:44 AM 0 comments Links to this post