Friday, March 04, 2011

The Egyptian Struggle- An Anarchist Perspective - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum

The Egyptian Struggle- An Anarchist Perspective - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum: "From an Anarchist perspective...

For those among us who have long struggled to understand and define Anarchy you now have your answer.

The anti-state activists in Tahrir Square are coming to exemplify the best of Anarchism- natural Syndicalism. They began as a popular resistance movement and have now come under siege by agents of established government. It's their response to this condition that is so hopeful in terms of the promise of Peoples' Rule in the last analysis. What has evolved among them? Ad hoc syndicates and incipient soviets dedicated to mutual care and survival. That is what typifies their exhilarating struggle. In essence they are now an Anarchist Commune- an orderly assemblage fighting the chaos introduced by the coercive tactics of the state. The feelings of natural freedom inherent in such activism will have changed the activists forever, placing them permanently outside the parameters of mindless patriotism and subservience to Leviathan. What we're witnessing in the Square is nothing less than the ideal of Anarchy- the bringing forth of creative order from the chaos of subjugation.

'But that's no more true than saying the universe is ineluctably bound to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In the end it's all an entropic stew but in the meantime we got some serious livin' to do.' Arthur Afterburn

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Middle East to Global Revolution - Wishful Thinking? - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum

Middle East to Global Revolution - Wishful Thinking? - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum: "As for hunger, considering that corporations and big banks which now, more than ever, are at fault for the hunger and the hunger to come are the ones backing governments and using them as puppets, I think hunger and the rising price of oil will eventually either bring on revolution or martial law. It may take 20 years, but unless something big happens to change things for the better, that's the future.

Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
The opposite is more likely true. They are adept at tossing grain to the sheep. No sheep- no wool. A shepherd doesn't starve his flock. The corporations suffer from the same illusion as you- that hunger will spark a revolution. That's why they feed the people. But what they, and you, fail to recognize is that hunger is just as likely to produce docility as rage. The same can be said of bread and circuses. In the end though it is the suppression of the peoples' humanity that provokes revolt.

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AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Blog Entries - Blogs

AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Blog Entries - Blogs: "Padilla and Mubarak
on 02-28-2011 at 07:49 AM (BENewsCorp™ Blogs Here)

This relates to this tread.

The suspension of Habeas Corpus is unfortunately permitted by the sloppiest thinking in the Constitution. Article 1 states in part, 'The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.' Notice that Habeas is not even referred to as a right in that clause but rather as simply a 'privilege.' Suspended for purposes of 'public safety?' And while it's commendable ...

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Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum

Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum: "Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak
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on 02-28-2011 at 09:39 AM (65 Views)

Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
It's unfortunate that this contains no reference to Marx inasmuch as his (re)discovery of the Material Dialectic was informed by a previous and similar awakening- the European Spring of 1848. The echoes and fingerprints of history are found all over the noisy exuberance of the new Arab Revolution. What complicates the Marxist interpretation of the events is the admixture of the Islamic dialectic which, of course, Marx never envisioned. And what are the constituents of the Islamic Dialectic that complicate and enrich this new revolution? Submission, Charity, and Jihad. Those three principles elevate this revolution beyond the Marxist classic revolution in new ways that transcend the predictability assumed by Marxist theory while not nullifying the essential laws of Dialectical Materialism.

Pilger misses this (or ignores it) and that's not surprising to me since his focus has always been on the inevitable and predictable consequence of Capitalistic contradiction. That is the limited analysis of Marxist orthodoxy and the reason that Marx always maintained his theory applied most essentially to France and Germany- the milieu w

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AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs

AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs: "Originally Posted by Snow Crash
It (jihad) actually means 'struggle'...
Quote Originally Posted by BE2 View Post
That is exactly what it means. Internal and external struggle. In the case of this new revolution it means the struggle for self-determination and human rights. That is the best of jihad. From a Marxist perspective struggle

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Pope exonerates Jews for Jesus' death - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum

Pope exonerates Jews for Jesus' death - Blogs - AmeriKan Konspiracy - Free Speech Conspiracy Forum: "Well I suppose Benedict takes his identification with the Olivine sect of the Benedictines seriously. Peacemakers. This forgiveness really is a confirmation of John the 23rd's rejection of Jewish Deicide. I think he also has a strong sense that end times are at hand. Recall the Apostolic Constitution of 2009 inviting the Anglican Church to rejoin the Roman Church unconditionally. He has made similar overtures to the Orthodox Churches. Gathering the flocks for the immanent eschaton? I think so. Is he also mindful of the prophecies of Saint Malachy concerning the end of the RC Church in our day? That the Olivine is next to last? I'd have to think that he is. Before becoming Pope, Benedict was the head of the Inquisition- and these are likely the matters that he concerned himself with.

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