John Lear has been banned by Access Deniar. Surprised? -- proving once again that this committed sophomore is unable to fathom the famous warning by General Striker: “Argument is all that stands between creation and entropy.” How long before Ryan Douche returns from his self-imposed absence to restore the circle-jerk tepidity that has for so long characterized this ridiculous cabbal of debunkerists? His very ego requires that he call his little band of voidist complainers back into the sweetly decadent arms of his Jesus. ATTACK DAWGS UNLEASHED ON ATS Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:05 AM | | ||||
The attack dawgs have been unleashed on Above Top Secret over at this mendacious little forum. Of course, anyone who might come to Marc Allin's defense over there has already been summarily banned from posting so look for blood on the beach. The attack is being led by that insidious couple- Access Denial and Shawanna- with the help of several other jealous cult members- now including (ta daaaa) John Lear of all people. In the wake of Steve Broadbent's makeover of the forum (which rendered it confusing and awkward) he and Doobie Doo are in dire need of hits. Where they come from they care not- even to the extent of turning over editorial control to Denial (whose only qualification seems to be his prior status as a gnat on Springer's ass over at ATS.) Just the hits, ma'am. Of course Shawanna has eagerly joined the feeding frenzy despite her rather inept apology to the Amigos (quoted below) for previous lies and rants.
Compare the above to her latest hateful rant from yesterday:
Good luck to Tom and Shawanna and the rest of the icky feelings pool over there, for as she says: "The only thing we found that makes the emptiness bearable is................... each other." _________________ How can a nation be great if its bread tastes like Kleenex? Julia Child |