Sunday, April 06, 2008


The outrage against the Chinese Government's repression of Tibet has gained new momentum with the the latest torch passing nonsense in London.

Police repeatedly scuffled with protesters as Olympians and dignitaries carried the Olympic torch through snowy London during a chaotic relay Sunday.

Demonstrators tried to board a relay bus after five-time Olympic gold medalist rower Steve Redgrave launched procession at Wembley Stadium - presaging a number of clashes with police along the torch's 31-mile journey.

There have been 30 arrests, Metropolitan Police said.

In west London, a protester tried to grab the torch out of the hands of a TV presenter, forcing police to briefly stop the procession as officers detained the man. Another demonstrator tried to snuff out the flame with what appeared to be a fire extinguisher. Others in the crowd threw themselves at torchbearers running past in official Beijing 2010 Olympics tracksuits.

"The Olympic games are very important for all Chinese. In Chinatown, everyone is very anxious to see the torch pass," London Chinese Community Center spokeswoman Annie Wu said before the procession began. "We hope it goes smoothly."
Hey Annie- get a life.

But you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till these morons bring the torch-of-oppression to San Francisco.