Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New article by Andrew Bacevich.

Read it in The American Conservative.

"This reformulation of strategy should begin with an explicit abrogation of preventive war. It should include a candid recognition that invading and occupying an Islamic nation in the hope of transforming it qualifies as a fantasy."
Access Deniar in full mod regalia, May 1, 2008
The bloodletting continues...

Access Deniar has once again banned John Lear and in a new fit of ethnic cleansing has threatened both Zorgon and Caleban (who once apparently accused this self-styled gauleiter of being a government spy) with a similar fate.

Anyway, I’ve suspended John’s account on the off chance he actually intended to come up with something new in the next day or so. John, take as long as you want to prepare your response and email it to me at propulsion.research@gmail.com should you decide you miss us. :) I’ll forward it to yfxxx and Ray for peer review and if they think it’s worthy of further discussion we’ll see how it goes from there.

He now senses that he's surrounded by enemies! He's even accused Shawanna of being part of some sort of conspiracy against him. Can you say, 'paranoid nazi?' And can it be long until there's no-one left there but him and his fascist butt-boy Ray Hudson?


John Lear has been banned by Access Deniar. Surprised? -- proving once again that this committed sophomore is unable to fathom the famous warning by General Striker:

“Argument is all that stands between creation and entropy.”

How long before Ryan Douche returns from his self-imposed absence to restore the circle-jerk tepidity that has for so long characterized this ridiculous cabbal of debunkerists? His very ego requires that he call his little band of voidist complainers back into the sweetly decadent arms of his Jesus.

Steve Broadbent replies, 4/29/8:

Once again, you are wrong. Are you going for a record to see how many things you can post which have no basis in reality or something?

You really should take a break once in a while, seriously.

Reply to SB by the General, 4/29/8:

Well- I notice that you've reversed the guy's decision. Excellent. But the fact remains that he still sees fit to ban anyone with whom he might disagree. That's bad form for a forum that's supposedly committed to free speech. The lot of you has an abject mob mentality. Can't you see that? And my statement concerning 'entropy' stands. While any forum is probably little more than a gathering of little plaints in the void it still might have creative force if all diverse viewpoints are both encouraged and allowed. Even an occasional devolvement into 'fuck-yous' is apt and valuable. Silencing the 'fuckyouerists' is not. Just let 'er rip for crissakes.

Original post:

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:05 AM

The attack dawgs have been unleashed on Above Top Secret over at this mendacious little forum.

Of course, anyone who might come to Marc Allin's defense over there has already been summarily banned from posting so look for blood in the breach.

The attack is being led by that insidious couple- Access Denial and Shawanna- with the help of several other jealous cult members- now including (ta daaaa) John Lear of all people.

In the wake of Steve Broadbent's makeover of the forum (which rendered it confusing and awkward) he and Doobie Doo are in dire need of hits. Where they come from they care not- even to the extent of turning over editorial control to Denial (whose only qualification seems to be his prior status as a gnat on Springer's ass over at ATS.) Just the hits, ma'am.

Of course Shawanna has eagerly joined the feeding frenzy despite her rather inept apology to the Amigos (quoted below) for previous lies and rants.

Shawanna, 1/10/07:

After a lengthy discussion with Zep, Ry and HH, we agreed that this thread got way out of hand and off topic.

I want to personally thank Simon for responding directly to the questions.

I also want to apologize for implying anything nefarious as it appears from Simon's direct response, as well as the opinions expressed by the other two ATS staff that the implications contained within the original posters thread at ATS may not have been accurate.

All posts after Simon's direct answers have been moved to the Disciplinary section of the forum to preserve the history (and remind Shawnna not to make an ass of herself on more than one forum in more than one month.)

Like SO said, no one is perfect, and it appears that applies to me more than anyone else here today.


Compare the above to her latest hateful rant from yesterday:

Every time someone reading here at RU clicks on a posted link to ATS, the end result is to continue to line the pockets of the manipulative, deceitful and if proven true, hoaxing owners, Mark Allin, Bill Irvin and Simon Grey.

Good luck to Tom and Shawanna and the rest of the icky feelings pool over there, for as she says: "The only thing we found that makes the emptiness bearable is................... each other."

How can a nation be great if its bread tastes like Kleenex? Julia Child

Monday, April 28, 2008

Now that Hillary has morphed into a shot and beer war monger perhaps she ought to read this article by Jeff Huber from Military.Com found this morning at Justin Raimondo's Antiwar.com.

About the author:

Freelance writer Jeff Huber was operations officer of a naval air wing and an aircraft carrier, and he commanded an E-2C Hawkeye aircraft squadron. His analyses of military and foreign policy affairs have appeared in Proceedings, The Navy, Jane's Fighting Ships, and other print periodicals. Some of his essays have been required student reading at the U.S. Naval War College, where he received a master's degree in national security studies in 1995. Jeff is a contributing editor with ePluribus Media. His home website is Pen and Sword.

"From an analytic perspective, attacking Iran would be such an irrational course of action that only a hatch full of boobies would contemplate taking it.

Sadly, "a hatch full of boobies" precisely describes the people in charge of the United States just now."

As part her 'destruction-of-Barack-Obama' strategy she now joins John McStrangelove as a principle Likudnik dark-sider. She is willing to bring on Armageddon in order to secure a Restoration Presidency for herself and her sleaze-bag husband- by painting a reasonable man, Barack Obama, as a weak-willed man. She cares not for the consequences of war with Iran- the possibility of a new holocaust; millions of dead and mutilated- as long as that war guarantees her the presidency to which she's entitled. Her threat to 'obliterate' Iran is a transparent support of the Dick and Bush plot to bomb Iran back to the stone age- and it matters not that it's Dumbya's finger on the trigger. War is her ticket to power. Dumbya and McStrangelove welcome you to the 'hatch full of boobies.'

Look out Iran- Here comes Hillary!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


John Lear has been banned by Access Deniar. Surprised? -- proving once again that this committed sophomore is unable to fathom the famous warning by General Striker:

“Argument is all that stands between creation and entropy.”

How long before Ryan Douche returns from his self-imposed absence to restore the circle-jerk tepidity that has for so long characterized this ridiculous cabbal of debunkerists? His very ego requires that he call his little band of voidist complainers back into the sweetly decadent arms of his Jesus.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:05 AM

The attack dawgs have been unleashed on Above Top Secret over at this mendacious little forum.

Of course, anyone who might come to Marc Allin's defense over there has already been summarily banned from posting so look for blood on the beach.

The attack is being led by that insidious couple- Access Denial and Shawanna- with the help of several other jealous cult members- now including (ta daaaa) John Lear of all people.

In the wake of Steve Broadbent's makeover of the forum (which rendered it confusing and awkward) he and Doobie Doo are in dire need of hits. Where they come from they care not- even to the extent of turning over editorial control to Denial (whose only qualification seems to be his prior status as a gnat on Springer's ass over at ATS.) Just the hits, ma'am.

Of course Shawanna has eagerly joined the feeding frenzy despite her rather inept apology to the Amigos (quoted below) for previous lies and rants.

Shawanna, 1/10/07:

After a lengthy discussion with Zep, Ry and HH, we agreed that this thread got way out of hand and off topic.

I want to personally thank Simon for responding directly to the questions.

I also want to apologize for implying anything nefarious as it appears from Simon's direct response, as well as the opinions expressed by the other two ATS staff that the implications contained within the original posters thread at ATS may not have been accurate.

All posts after Simon's direct answers have been moved to the Disciplinary section of the forum to preserve the history (and remind Shawnna not to make an ass of herself on more than one forum in more than one month.)

Like SO said, no one is perfect, and it appears that applies to me more than anyone else here today.


Compare the above to her latest hateful rant from yesterday:

Every time someone reading here at RU clicks on a posted link to ATS, the end result is to continue to line the pockets of the manipulative, deceitful and if proven true, hoaxing owners, Mark Allin, Bill Irvin and Simon Grey.

Good luck to Tom and Shawanna and the rest of the icky feelings pool over there, for as she says: "The only thing we found that makes the emptiness bearable is................... each other."

How can a nation be great if its bread tastes like Kleenex? Julia Child
The High Cost of the Little Eichmann Brokers

Last week, French Agriculture Minister Michel Barnier warned E.U. officials against "too much trust in the free market."

"We must not leave the vital issue of feeding people," he said, "to the mercy of market laws and international speculation."

Friday, April 25, 2008

U.S. consumer sentiment at 26-year low

“More consumers reported that their personal financial situation had worsened than any time since 1982 due to high fuel and food prices as well as shrinking income gains and widespread reports of declines in home values,” The Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers said in a statement.

Will the Wall Street casino douchebags finally crash and burn?


What's amazing is that most of this imprisoning trend is recent, dating really from the 1980s, and most of the change is due to drug laws. From 1925 to 1975, the rate of imprisonment was stable at 110, lower than the international average, which is what you might expect in a country that purports to value freedom. But then it suddenly shot up in the 1980s. There were 30,000 people in jail for drugs in 1980, while today there are half a million.

One in every hundred Americans is in prison...
The U.S. leads the world in prisoner production. There are 2.3 million people behind bars. China, with four times as many people, has 1.6 million in prison. In terms of population, the US has 751 people in prison for every 100,000, while the closest competitor in this regard is Russia with 627. I'm struck by this figure: 531 in Cuba. The median global rate is 125.
Full story by notorious Libertarian terrorist LEW ROCKWELL is here

A must read by Peggy Noonan

We are a nation of Willie Lomans, dragging our rollies through acres of airport, going through life with a suitcase and a slack jaw, trying to get home after a long day of meetings, of moving product.

And some sage advice for Barack- the way to close this thing out:

This is an opportunity, for Mr. Obama needs an Act II. Act II is hard. Act II is where the promise of Act I is deepened, the plot thickens, and all is teed up for resolution and meaning. Mr. Obama's Act I was: I'm Obama. He enters the scene. Act III will be the convention and acceptance speech. After that a whole new drama begins. But for now he needs Act II. He should make his subject America.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

This just in!

Alleged penis-snatchers spark panic!

Victims claim that sorcerers made their genitals shrink or disappear

Hillary Clinton denies any involvement in penis shrinking; accuses opponent. "Shame on you, Barack Obama," she says...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sent to Michio Kaku today:

"Dearest Michio,

Does not the string imply a bow? The string, being necessarily linear, having points Alpha and Omega, would require a bow to elicit dimension. Who is the fiddler? It seems to me that the linear paradigm also applies to material existence. Then, is it not the case that the 'out there' is simply an illusion and that the 'in there' is the better (and more accessible) illusion? And that further- our reality exists in the little moments between the bow and string?"

If MK sees fit to reply I'll post that here.

Phoenix lights explained? Update on the sighting.
Chinese lanterns?

Also see this great October, 2007 post for further explanation of the Chinese lantern theory from a little known debunkerist forum. Be sure to follow Chorlton's links there. Might this be the explanation? It sure seems like it.

There's also a humorous follow-up post by a genius known as 'Ryguy,' "That is a fascinating hypothesis.," says he. "Several ways to explore it - determine which States in the U.S. have the highest concentration of Asians and correlate with the proportion of 'orb' sightings."

It's the damned 'Asians' after all! Thanks for that, 'Ryguy!'

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sweet Jesus, We're Screwed!


updated 1 hour, 46 minutes ago

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - An influential economist who long predicted the housing market bubble cautioned Tuesday that the slump in the U.S. housing market could cause prices to fall more than they did in the Great Depression, and bailouts will be needed so millions don’t lose their homes.

Yale University economist Robert Shiller, pioneer of the widely watched Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller home price index, said there’s a good chance housing prices will fall further than the 30 percent drop in the historic depression of the 1930s. Home prices nationwide already have dropped 15 percent since their peak in 2006, he said.

General Striker Re-post for your amusement:

The crash of '29

Can the markets continue to deny that the Dumbya presidency has fatally debased the currency, spent the country into an economic black hole with his tax cuts for the wealthy and his trillion dollar blunder in Iraq? The chickens are coming home to roost. A nation cannot borrow its way to prosperity. Shed no tears for the addicted gamblers at the New York Stock Casino. If they need to satisfy their greed let them work for a living. There are plenty of apples to sell. And drywall to hang. And lawns to mow. In fact- the minimum wage just went up (although I'm sure they were against it...). These sparrow-wristed savants will at least be making more than they deserve. Great country, America!

Will this be the last product Made in USA?
We report, you decide:

Or maybe this?

Probably this:

Maybe you shoulda thought twice before you cast that vote

Posted on Gary Bekkum's Blog:

Blogger General Striker said...

Hi Gary. I just noticed the response to this research at RU.

"And this has exactly what to do with the price of rice in China? :roll:"

Might I ask, given the dismissive attitude there concerning your insights, why you still post there?

It's like arguing with Phil Klass.

Bear in mind the 'casting of pearls before the swine' admonition.



April 22, 2008 10:19 AM

Update April 23, 2008
Was it simply a hoax caused by balloon launched flares or Chinese lanterns? Check out this Youtube link for a demonstration.


Report from The Arizona Republic this morning

Also seen in Florida.

A sampling of some excellent UFO resources:

Stanton Friedman
David Jacobs
Dr. John Mack
The Phoenix Lights (1997)
Project Blue Book
Richard Dolan
Whitley Strieber
Tim Good
Open Minds Forum
Howard Blum
Alan Hynek

Notorious liberal, Phil Giraldi, supports General Striker on Jimmy Carter!

Jimmy Carter Gets the Point - by Philip Giraldi

Monday, April 21, 2008



Vice President Cheney at an appearance in Texas last week

Vice president Cheney has a new look. He's grown a mustache. Said the veep, "This new look is more in keeping with my outlook on life and as a guy named 'Dick.' I think it fits. I sure hope you like it."

New Look: Official White House Portrait from Yesterday. Looking Good, Mr. Dick!!

Bush Appoints New General to Lead the War on Iraq

Promises to stay the course.

When asked by this reporter if the GI's will ultimately prevail in 'staying the course,' the general (whose name is being with-held from the press at this time) replied with unusual candor, "Well, sir, it's a roll of the dice."


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blessed is the Peace Maker

Jimmy Carter proposes a truce between Israel and Hamas.

Former US president Jimmy Carter and Khaled Meshaal, exiled chief of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, held more talks in Syria on Saturday focused on a possible truce between Israel and Gaza militants and the release of an Israeli soldier, Hamas said.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

No Peace without Hamas

General Striker says:

Jimmy Carter. Can it be the case that this man is the last of the truly courageous American politicians? Is there another who is willing to confront the Zionist/ Neo-Con cabal that defines American Middle East policy? Is there another who has the chutzpah to stand up to AIPAC? The short answer is- no.

Since 1948 American policy towards the region has been tantamount to supporting the establishment of a European green-zone at the heart of Palestine. In medical terms that is the perfect prescription for transplant rejection. And rejected it has been. Why? The post-Holocaust righteousness has devolved into the Brooklyn syndrome- if you’re not a Jew, you’re a schwartze.

It has been a coterie of Zionist true believers- among them Wolfowitz, Pearl, Ladeen, Lieberman, et al- which snookered the Republic into the Iraq quagmire at the cost of a TRILLION DOLLARS and a million dead- all for their ‘vision’ of Israeli security. Jimmy also sees this.

Compare Jimmy Carter's position on Israel to that of the Bush administration- as typified by Joe Lieberman:

…From Jeffersonian Liberal to Neocon Republican thug

When Connecticut voters went to the polls in 2004 they were certain that they were voting for the Joe Lieberman they knew and loved- that somewhat liberal Democrat with a high respect for ethics and love of American values. How disappointed they are that he turns out to be sharp-toothed Likudnik who saw fit to reject the Democratic Party and embrace the Repuglican Devil. They ought to have known that from the very beginning of his career he had but one true agenda- one not very different from that of Meir Kahane- unmitigated support for Israeli Apartheid. His political history closely matches that of the State of Israel itself- a constant descent from imaginative altruism and hope into the depths of nihilistic cynicism: from the generous and inspiring Israel of Abba Eben into the neo-nazi hell of Bebe Netanyahu.*

Neither Israel nor America is well served by this quisling and Jimmy knows it.

So what, exactly, would serve Israel? Simply this: an alliance with the similarly oppressed- the Palestinians- with a goal of over-throwing the kings, oligarchs and the religious nuts of the region and the establishment of one unified nation dedicated to peace and knowledge. And although this solution may not have occurred to Jimmy Carter it is nonetheless implied by his method. Bring Hamas and Israel together and forever change the world.

The central problem with this scenario is Jewish religious based arrogance- the schwartze syndrome. And it is bad actors like Lieberman who keeps it alive.

* General Wobbly Striker, 2008

Barack Obama endorsed by Robert Kennedy's widow Ethel Kennedy - Telegraph

Barack Obama endorsed by Robert Kennedy's widow Ethel Kennedy - Telegraph
HELLO Pennsylvania!

THIS JUST IN: Bill And Hillary took in 109 million dollars since 2000. OINK!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Broadbent responds:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Broadbent responds:
Broadbent reply

Blogger REALITY uncovered said...

Give it a rest ya great big loon. Your obsession with RU is borderline insane. I did find you amusing at one time, as did many people in fact. Now, you simply come across as a sad old man who's only skill appears to be one of misconstruing the facts on a regular basis.

I thought long and hard before making comment here, but seeing as hardly anyone ever does, I thought it would make your day...

Btw, the PayPal contribution link has been on the site for well over a year now, I guess you must have missed it. Same goes for the adverts, I guess you must have missed those too. As for no one contributing to it, it is thanks to those contributions that we have been able to upgrade the hosting package from a simple shared hosting plan to a dedicated server package. Without the generosity of our members, that would not have been possible.

As for the site stats, we are doing exceptionally well, thank you very much. We broke 50000 visitors for the first time last month and we already have over 40000 for this month and it's only the 17th. You do realise RU is not just a forum, don't you?

(Btw, we've had over 50 visits from this very blog, so thanks for that!)

I thought I'd save the best bit until last. The reason AlanTree was banned was for none of the reasons you cited, he was banned because he is YOU - and you have a lifetime ban.

Steve (with nothing better to do, obviously)

2:08 PM
Blogger General Striker said...

In total there are 5 users online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 4 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)
Most users ever online was 182 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:21 pm

Registered users: Yahoo [Bot]

12:42 PM
Blogger General Striker said...

4 lurkers (3, not counting me) and a Yahoo Bot. Great performance there! Cutting edge, might I add...

12:49 PM
General Striker says:
And please note that the main thrust of my original post was never addressed. Here it is:

1. The site has become abjectly debunkerist in the method and style of the late (and thoroughly discredited) Phil Klass. Imagination and outside-the-box thinking will always get one banned there. For original thinkers access will always be denied. In fact the moderator who performs these intellectual executions even proudly calls himself "Access Denied."

Why is that?

During the past couple of years various liars have been elevated to the position of 'moderator' on the RU forum by both Broadbent and his butt-boy co-host Ryan Doob. They include: Dr. Dankk, Shawanna Sweet Spot, Max von Schickelgruber, Hidden Googler, and Access Denial.

Let's take a look at these scumbags.

Dr. Dankk falsely claimed to be a doctor. He was vouched for by Doob and Broadbent and eventually exposed as a fraud. He was then shit-canned by RU management.

Shawanna falsely claimed to be a researcher. She was elevated to 'partner' status by Doob and Broadbent and proceeded to post hundreds of scurrilous rants on the forum. She shamelessly defamed Victor Martinez and Bob Collins despite her own amazing history as a bankrupt scoff-law. She eventually, in a fit of depression, erased all of her posts- rendering RU all but unintelligible.

Then there was Max the nazi. Elevated to the position of moderator by Doob and Broadbent, he continued the tradition of outrageous dissembling by surreptitiously invading Open Minds Forum for the purpose of recruiting their members to migrate to RU (as Doob and Broadbent had done previously.) When he was exposed by John Hicks as an RU quisling he was shamelessly defended by Doob and Broadbent until the truth could nolonger be denied- at which point he simply disappeared back into the rathole from which he was originally salvaged by the Dooby-Butt-Boyz.

And then, of course, there is the current edition of mendacious moderation- Access Denied- whose only qualification as moderator has to do with his banning at ATS by Springer for being a consummate, lying putz and pain in the ass- as well as his ability to use Google as a pretense for research. His main function at RU seems to be a continuing bitchy whine against Springer and an adherence to Klassic, know-nothing debunkery in league with Youcancallmeray- AKA: meme-boy. Good enough qualifications for Doob- despite the support Springer had given to the RU forum over the years. It is well known that Springer's support for the forum was crucial for its early success. Thrown under the bus, however, was he- all in the name of building readership. (...a ploy that has dismally failed. See above site participation.)

If all of the foregoing seems disgusting and has you on the verge of puking- I'm sorry. But the truth must out.
Posted by General Striker at 12:51 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Shit Spewing Troll
Shit Spewing Troll


Joined: Oct 22, 2006
Posts: 552
Location: area 51
Karma: +8
Applaud / Smite

Post Post subject: What happened to Reality Uncovered?
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:15 PM
Ignore Users Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Report Post

Readers here are intimately acquainted with Reality Uncovered Forum. Many of the members here are also members (or banned members) there: Wyz, Ryan Dube, Chorlton, Murnut. Jake Reason, Zep Tepi, John Hicks, Hibits, Kali, Kiwi, Shawanna and the entire Cartoon Syndicate to name just a few. Considering that they have only 150 members, Wyzwyrlde forum members constitute a sizable minority of their membership.

I'm certain that this gaggle of dual members has become aware of the recent decline in interest in that forum. At this moment, for example, there are exactly 3 users accessing the site.

Why is this in spite of the recent make-over of the site interface?

There are several reasons for this pathetic performance:

1. The site has become abjectly debunkerist in the method and style of the late (and thoroughly discredited) Phil Klass. Imagination and outside-the-box thinking will always get one banned there. For original thinkers access will always be denied. In fact the moderator who performs these intellectual executions even proudly calls himself "Access Denied." The last person who had the temerity to join, Allantree, was hacked to death in a matter of minutes for the great crimes of:

A. Criticizing Ray Hudson and
B. Using a proxy to sign up in the first place.

No-one has joined since. They chase potential members away.

They have redesigned their forum to add color, complication, and advertisements. They've also added links to a PayPal contribution site. I would ask them- how many of your 150 members have availed themselves of this opportunity to contribute? My guess would be 'none.'

I suppose the main problem with the current incarnation of RU is this: Phil Klass did it better.

Good luck to you- and your 3 lurkers.

How can a nation be great if its bread tastes like Kleenex? Julia Child

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

...what would Jesus do?

Consummatum est...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday reading: Britain's best newspaper. Check the links section on the right side of the page for Robert Fisk.

The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News | Newspaper
This is a mind blower!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A different general, a different take on the surge. Important read.

"Despite all the hot air it generated, testimony on Iraq this week before the Senate Armed Services Committee offered little in the way of real news or useful insight. Hiding behind Army Gen. David Petraeus’s medals and uniform, President Bush sent his proxy to Capitol Hill to repeat the administration’s threadbare mantras yet another time."


Friday, April 11, 2008

MORE HERE about the Borgist mob of thugs carrying the torch of death.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This from Der Spiegel this morning:

Olympic Flame Now 'Symbolizes Repressive Regime'

The global Olympic torch run has descended into chaos and China has only itself to blame, write German media commentators. The protests have even created a new sport -- "Flame Extinguishing."

The Torch of Death is but the latest gift from China-Mart (otherwise known as the Neo-Fascist Borg.)

The Borg at work

The call to Boycott is growing hour by hour. For the sake of the People of Tibet add your voice.

Jacques Rogge may give a shit about how high some bearded women can jump but that beautiful Olympian spirit seems to be lost on a Buddhist monk with a jackboot on his neck.

Mr. Rogge looks on as the torches passes by

FREE TIBET/Boycott the Olympics

Monday, April 07, 2008

Might this be the most powerful poem ever created?

So said my Sister, Emily...

I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.

The eyes beside had wrung them dry,
And breaths were gathering sure
For that last onset, when the king
Be witnessed in his power.

I willed my keepsakes, signed away
What portion of me I
Could make assignable, and then
There interposed a fly,

With blue, uncertain, stumbling buzz,
Between the light and me;
And then the windows failed, and then
I could not see to see.
Petraeus Testimony Will Signal Iran Attack by Paul Craig Roberts

The neocon lackey Petraeus has had his script written for him by Cheney, and Petraeus together with neocon warmonger Ryan Crocker, the US governor of the Green Zone in Baghdad, will present Congress next Tuesday and Wednesday with the lies, for which the road has been well paved by neocon propagandists such as Kimberly Kagan, that "the US must recognize that Iran is engaged in a full-up proxy war against it in Iraq."
BBC NEWS | Europe | Olympic protests spread to Paris

Protests against the torch relay ahead of the Beijing Olympics have spread to France's capital, Paris.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


The outrage against the Chinese Government's repression of Tibet has gained new momentum with the the latest torch passing nonsense in London.

Police repeatedly scuffled with protesters as Olympians and dignitaries carried the Olympic torch through snowy London during a chaotic relay Sunday.

Demonstrators tried to board a relay bus after five-time Olympic gold medalist rower Steve Redgrave launched procession at Wembley Stadium - presaging a number of clashes with police along the torch's 31-mile journey.

There have been 30 arrests, Metropolitan Police said.

In west London, a protester tried to grab the torch out of the hands of a TV presenter, forcing police to briefly stop the procession as officers detained the man. Another demonstrator tried to snuff out the flame with what appeared to be a fire extinguisher. Others in the crowd threw themselves at torchbearers running past in official Beijing 2010 Olympics tracksuits.

"The Olympic games are very important for all Chinese. In Chinatown, everyone is very anxious to see the torch pass," London Chinese Community Center spokeswoman Annie Wu said before the procession began. "We hope it goes smoothly."
Hey Annie- get a life.

But you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till these morons bring the torch-of-oppression to San Francisco.



"Who are you consulting with, JRR Tolkien? I don't really believe that the world would be well served by a return to medieval nonsense. Do you?

Isn't this the very irrational xxxx that RU was established to oppose and correct?"

**Ryan Dube edit - removed rude comment**

From a post by Wetsystems (me), 9/6/07 (The rude word was "crap.")

"What is considered "irrational" is subjective.

For example, I consider it highly irrational to repeat the same offensive remark after receiving an edit and a warning. You clearly do not. It's subjective.

You are suspended for a month.

If you start emailing people, trying to create drama, and attempting to cause hate and discontent as a form of 'retribution', you can consider yourself permanently banned.


From Ryan Dube that same day

And the next day:

"The ban is now permanent. Toon will never again set foot at RU."


The foodfight over Chorlton's insistence on Reason continues over at Reality Uncovered- a site from which I've been banned (see above) for expressing the same sentiments. As you may recall, the current incarnation of this pissing contest began with arch skeptic and clear thinker, Chorlton, taking exception to the preachings of that sanctimonious fool, Scarz, concerning the purported 'reality' of an all-controlling realm of invisible evil angels performing the work of El Diablo with the help of space aliens and other assorted demons and banshees. While to any reasonable human-being of the twenty first century such a balderdash brew of medieval superstition might seem laughable at best- for the the board owner, Ryan Dube and a sycophantic gaggle of board activists, it simply constituted an attack on Christian faith. Dube's final position on the subject was to refuse further discussion on the basis of ones inalienable right to an unquestioned 'faith' in all subjects suitably unprovable and arcane. He then took further refuge in a self-pitying appeal to his amen choir- claiming his life is very difficult and that his sister is very ill. In other words he's involved in his own personal battle with the devil at the moment and he'll be back at'cha when the tempest subsides- and presumably after his butt-boyz (Broadbent, Scarz, AD et al...) manage to get Chorlton banned for daring to present a case for enlightenment and Reason. The story can be followed here.

For clarity sake let me paste in full Chorlton's latest response following a repost of my initial rant from April 2nd on the matter.


Well it seems as if our old friend and member, Chillibum, has finally taken the religious zealots to task over at RU. His initial thrust was in demanding that Thumper (Savonarola) Scarz provide a modicum of proof for his angelic meanderings. Good work, old man. But it seems our Chipdink has pissed off the intrepid Reverend Dubious and his choir of butt-boyz who continue to maintain that the 'teachings' (read: superstitions) of the good book require no proof for their proposition that we are indeed controlled by a coterie of invisible demons.

I think Chimpbutton's point is well taken: how can a forum which purports to consist of rational skeptics not question the ludicrous claims of the religious nutters in their midst? I guess that in the last analysis when the heavy stone that covers clarity is lifted by that ridiculous icky-feelings-pool of Reality-Uncoverists what they expose is a viscous cluster of dissembling, evil creepy-crawlies... Oh my!! Put the stone back and run like hell to jeezizzz!!

Follow this discussion here: www.realityuncovered.c...6937#16937

Said Savonarola Scarz to Chumpchange:

" You have a right to your opinion Chorlton as I have a right to mine. If you think of me as a lunatic for valuing scripture you aren't the first and certainly will not be the last. If I'm wrong on my belief in God and the scriptures then when it's all said and done,I will have lost nothing.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

To which I would add:

As your fellow lunatic and intellectual superior, Dan Quayle, so famously admonished: "A mind is a terrible thing to lose."

ASM (American Society of Morons) leadership committee


Zep tepi said:

"That's not very respectful, is it? More so in light of the fact that I have pm'ed you with a clarification of what you can and cannot do in the Spirituality forum. If anyone else had mentioned the "deafening silence", then fair enough - they haven't yet received an answer to Access Denied's excellent question. You, however, already have. What's more, I also shared private details of some of the things that are going on in Ryan's life at the moment, the tip of the iceberg being the life-threatening illness of his sister. Ryan has not yet experienced the awful reality of what it means to lose someone very close to you, and as a result is having a very hard time dealing with it. In addition to that he is also working most of the hours in the day and night just so he can get through the financial mess he finds himself in at the moment. I know he shares that particular predicament with an unhealthy amount of people right now throughout the world, but that and the situation with his sister means his priorities lie elsewhere at this particular moment in time. "

Strange then that he took time yesterday to reply to several other threads and it also didnt stop him making his original posts?

I'M having a bad time at present too, I would say a lot more so that than Ry, as you well know. But I dont let that cloud for one moment my grasp or reality.

Reality to me is being able to question everything. I have a right to do that. You may say, "not here", thats your prerogative.

But the self same person who is demanding proof of evidence from one person is giving someone else laissez faire to duck the question.
One could say that John Lear has a deep belief in what he says. Should he be asked for proof OF COURSE HE SHOULD.
One could say the Pope has a deep beleif in what he does, but are you saying he shouldne tbe questioned if given a chance and asking for proof? NO
Scarz has made many references to UFO's and ET's in his posts that to me makes it open season to demand proof on his God. If his posts had been nothing more than quoting scriptures and psalms fair enough I would have backed off. But he didnt. HE chose to bring in UFO's and 'spirits' and 'Angels'
linking them in with God.
Well Im sorry I want proof, If it cant be provided then he shoud treated like Lear or Serpo or the like.
Maybe I seem too hard?.Ive probably been on this earth a bit longer than most and in all that time Ive seen no proof of God, spirits Angels or the like. So will I question the existence of them YOU BETCHA
As I told you, I have a very dear friend of mine laying dying at the moment, a compassionate god would have taken him in the blink of an eye, but no, my friend is left to rot in bed as he lives, watching bits of his body dropping off him
A compassionate GOD ? don't make me laugh.
My mother died very recently, well her body did, but her mind died years ago from Alzheimers and I watched as she slowly became someone else, watched as her brains slowly turned into a lump of lard.
My brother in law laid in agony for months before he died of mesothelioma, and someone out there says we have a compassionate God, a God of love, and denies me the right to demand proof. THAT WONT WORK WITH ME.
Ive seen people in some countries who should have been put down at birth, we do it to animals, why do we let Humans suffer in pain and agony for years? because of a God, don't make me laugh.
The religious people have an answer for every question thrown at them, but the one thing they cant do is show one little piece of evidence for the existence of their evil pain giving god.

Ive got to go out to visit my friend in Hospital now, to do things for him the nurses wont but I repeat, Ill be back in about 4 hours

I repeat:
Reality to me is being able to question everything. I have a right to do that. You may say, "not here", that's your prerogative. Ban me if you wish. I'll still be out there questioning though. I think the last word out of my mouth will be "Why"?

I'm sorry if this post comes across as hard, Ive had to be hard in my life for reasons people, not even my sisters , will ever know.

As a final. Ry I feel for you, I know where you are at and where your mind is. Ive been there, I'm there now. I'm also there with you, behind you.
Remember people as they were, the good times, the fun times, nothing, not even death can take those things from you.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Friday, April 04, 2008


Denver 4/4/08 BE NEWS
The Denver Broncos have announced the signing of a new kicker to replace the departed Jason Elam.

New Kicker proudly wearing Bronco orange

Said coach Shanahan today, "This fucking guy has dynamite in his boot."
